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2019 WordPress Review : Is WordPress Right for You?

Web Development
Sep 02, 2019
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2019 WordPress Review

WordPress is a worldwide phenomenon that has come a long way since the first version was released in 2003. WordPress is the most frequently used web building tool that allows you to develop any website you want.

The size and range of WordPress has had on the internet is hard to imagine. The Word Press has grown considerably, and that growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down soon. At present, the website development is possible with the WordPress tool, which is known as the website development tool. It is an excellent way to develop the website in a simple way we can say it is a pros outweigh the cons. It is provided by most of the best WordPress development companies.

WordPress is the fastest growing CMS, with roughly 500+ new sites being built daily in the top 10 million websites on the web (compared to Shopify and Squarespace 60-80). – Source

If you are thinking of developing a website on this web development tool and grab the impressive feature of the WordPress development service, then you need to consider all the vital information mentioned below.

Role of WordPress

It is the most popular web development tool which has developed more than 80 million websites in the world. It is based on two tools: and which give blogging and website monitoring facilities to the companies and users, where you can convert your website to eCommerce, business, and other educational based websites.


Basically, is a fully hosted service that maintains the hosting for you, where the service provider manages or stores your content on the website which is helpful to users, and they can easily go to your blogging website. It also manages your services on a monthly fee basis.
It is the self-hosted service of WordPress web development tool that gives you ultimate control and versatility to manage your website without the WordPress restrictions.

Setup Installation of WordPress

The installation process of this website is different, which is based on technical knowledge. If anyone has any knowledge about less coding, then you can easily install your WordPress setup. By simply following these instructions, anyone can install the WordPress setup on their desktop and laptop.

  • Choose a hosting provider
  • Set up hosting for your client hosting console
  • Download and learn the FTP
  • Purchase your website domain name to provide the hosting

How WordPress, Works?

The WordPress work capability is based on the software installation; it means you can easily install WordPress and his plugins with WordPress application, web server PHP & MySQL, MySQL Database. Also, you can customize a web page and content, including posts, pages, media items, plugins with comments, and add the items in the database if a user can submit any comment or reply then the database will store all the details.

The whole process gives one to one relationship between the user or administrator, and dynamic database records every data history of maintaining the services. Here we provide a creative page with impressive features of WordPress work, which you can put in your WordPress development services web development.

You can insert the content with the help of a visual and text editor box!! But the main thing is that there is visual and textual content management, where the visual editor is like Microsoft Word, and text editor is like the Notepad editor.

A. You will get electronic content consistency

The Template of WordPress layout comes preset in WordPress development, which is useful to design the post and pages. Also, it gives the new blog post design feature with quickly create a new post.

B. You can instantly create sitewide content changes.

With the help of this, you can manage your website content reviews managed by preset design, which is to design your whole website. You can also customize the content image according to sitewide content changes.

C. You can simply manipulate individual pieces of content.

With the help of this, you manipulate your content management and post attribute features like title, tag, keyword, category, modified date, etc.

D. Easy to use and manage features like theme, plugins, by FTP

WordPress Top Pros and Cons Features

WordPress Top Pros and Cons Features

WordPress Top Pros and Cons Features

Now we define you WordPress and work on this article, but without this, it would be incomplete knowledge. WordPress development controls the hosting needs to help your website grow by maintaining your website loads, backup your website, uptime, and downtime of your website development. We know that WordPress is an open-source and easy to freely use platform.

A. Pros

  • Easily customized web design, features, and functionality
  • You can easily incorporate third-party tools
  • You can maintain your hosting needs
  • Update your website knowledge and tutorial-based.

B. Pros

  • You need to set up and manage your hosting
  • Coding knowledge mandatory to troubleshoot issues.
  • The WordPress customized design, development knowledge required reaches 181 million monthly unique views – the 4th most viewed platform in the US after Google, Facebook, and Yahoo.

Why Should You Use WordPress?

WordPress development gives you two types of services one is based on “.org” and the second is based on “.com,” but at present of the era, it’s used as a content management system in IT & Software development. It develops a fully mobile application and functional websites. It is easy to be accessible and flexible; that’s why the demand for WordPress development raising of the top level. Also, you will discover WordPress’s best option in the following developing situation.

  • Unlimited design freedom
  • Specialized website feature.
  • Content Management System
  • Time saving + money.

Who Should Use WordPress? 

Anyone can use it as it is quite simple. It works as complex and sophisticated as you need it to be.

Key Factors in WordPress-

  • Make a professional business website without spending a lot of money
  • Follow simple tutorials to learn the basics
  • Can grow businesses online with full freedom
  • You can make a blog, portfolio, or a personal website and make money online.

Development Cost of WordPress Website

Development Cost of WordPress Website Development

As we know, the services of WordPress are freely available in the market where you can develop your website with the help of WordPress tools. Also, you can manage the hosting, theme, plugin, online service by developing creativity; that’s why we can’t identify the development cost of WordPress website development. Basically, web development is based on Self-hosted, fully managed hosting, Template based (basic, premium, costume design, template alternation). You can follow this feature in WordPress website development, according to the requirements.

A. WordPress website hosting costs

  • Fully managed hosting: $350 to $95
  • Self-hosting, shared hosting: $4 to $25
  • Monthly cost: $4 to $100

B. WordPress Education tutorial Cost

  • Monthly cost: free to $45+
  • Basic learning: only 1-2 hours
  • Learn WordPress: weekly

C. WordPress Theme Costs

  • One time cost: $5500+
  • Basic templates: $40 to $55.
  • Premium template $80 to $200
  • Template alteration $300 to $1000.
  • Custom Web Design: $5500 to $11000+

D. WordPress Login Costs:
It is based on Ont-time cost: $55 to $550 and Monthly cost: $5 to $155 after that it’s providing the essential estimate cost of development, where the cost process is described in 3 parts

  • Payment Software is based on a one-time cost that is $100 to $550, and the monthly cost is based on the $25 to $85.
  • The membership gateway software is the same in two-part divide where the estimated cost of one time is $100 to $300 and monthly $50 to $170
  • Email Marketing software: $5 to $99S

E. WordPress Technical Support Costs:

  • Estimated Annual Cost: $550 to $1100.
  • The development cost is $100-$150 per hour.

Hosting Services in WordPress Web Development

Hosting Services in WordPress Web Development

We know that WordPress service is hosting based, which allows self-hosted and hosting of WordPress website featuring (.org and .com) based, but both services manage these types of hosting services based on full and self-hosting.

A. Self Hosting
It is the one most popular hosting services in WordPress web development, which gives the hosting dashboard of WordPress settings, troubleshooting issues, the security of the website, self-managed backup hosting services. It also provides the following hosting services

  • Cloud self-hosting
  • Shared self-hosting
  • Dedicated to self-hosting
  • Virtual Private Server self-hosting
  • HostGator

B. Fully Managed Hosting
It is specially created for WordPress users; that’s why it’s sometimes called WordPress Hosting. The estimated cost of pay is much higher for this platform that takes care of all web security and reliability on the global platform. Also, it gives excellent customer service, which helps to find the resources of hosting issues and business growth. Furthermore, fully managed hosting provides traffic with allowance to increase your website performance

  • Bluehost WordPress hosting
  • WPengine
  • Siteground hosting

WordPress Templates:-

The designs are the most impressive feature of web development, which gives an attractive layout and web page to the users. In the WordPress world, many more templates are available to design a beautiful website along with; you can choose two types of WordPress themes, which is known as the Template. You can find the best WordPress theme which gives you free, one-time payment and membership by the elegant theme, Woo theme, Studio theme, StudioPress, ThemeForest and mojo themes, etc.

A. Free WordPress Theme

You can easily see this feature on the WordPress dashboard, where you can go with the appearance attribute and select the themes according to searches, which is freely available with loads of choices.

B. Paid WordPress Theme

It creates the preponderance of WordPress website themes which you can use on a one-time payment basis to get the annual, quarterly, or monthly paid service. This service gives you an advanced feature of theme managing on your WordPress website.

WordPress Plugin:-

In this technological world, lots of WordPress plugin available that you can use for website functionality and tool purpose. Also, you can manage the plugin to examine new ones. WordPress has its development library, which gives the plugin sorting features according to features, favorites, and features wise. The WordPress plugin is available in the market as well as WordPress theme bases (Paid and Non-Paid). Also, we are giving you the most popular type of WordPress plugin.

A. Essential WordPress Plugin

The essential WordPress plugin gives you an amazing feature, which is not a similar drag and drop. So for the crucial WordPress development, we give you impressive plugin which improves your website with the help of these plugins:

  • TinyPNG
  • Disqus
  • Cloudflare
  • Infusionsoft
  • Yoast
  • Akismet

B. Specific WordPress Plugin

These types of plugins are best for online websites and various language website development. So if you are looking for the best plugin, then you can follow this type of specific WordPress plugins, which is useful for your WordPress website development.

  • Envira Gallery
  • aMember
  • WooCommerce
  • Booking Calendar

Read more – Top 5 WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress SEO:-

In the present era, you can see the content, blogging, article, and PR, which is managed and updated by WordPress based SEO. It means SEO manages your WordPress website according to the Google research algorithms and analytics. Also, it gives the more powerful control to manage and rank your website on a global platform. You can manage your website, blog, and content according to the meta tag and meta title, which is helpful for Google indexing. You can use the SEO plugin to manage your website ranking on the search engine platform and SERP, like this:

  • Make sure your site is visible
  • Manage categories and tags
  • SEO friendly URL
  • Keyword values

Community/ Support/ Tutorial Resource

It is a great community assistant development service which you can use as a supportive website’s purpose. It means you can use the tutorial, information, performative knowledge, guidance, and basic knowledge of WordPress guideline bases in the WordPress website development. Here we provide you some method of WordPress website resources:

  • WordPress Community
  • WordPress Forum
  • WordPress Documentation
  • (Tutorial based)
  • (Tutorial based)

Know more Tips About – Important Steps To Protect Your WordPress Admin Panel

Ending Lines 

We define the WordPress process in this technological age, which impress everyone and dragging them on their side. You can start your business and blogging website with WordPress development that maintains SEO friendly service in the global market. So you can hire a WordPress developer to build this type of service for your business and growth of the company.

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning mobile game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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